PCE News

The Annual Paden City Elementary Awards Day was held on May 29th at PCE.  The year was rehashed with recognition of all the accomplishments from August 2023 to June 2024.  Many articles and awards had been received previous to this day, however, remembering the year with all the student accomplishments wrapped into one session gives everyone a sense of Wildcat Pride!  Students were recognized for participating in the ROAR positive behavior award sessions.  Young Writers, Robotics Club, Social Studies Fair Winners, Spelling Bee Winners, Math Field Day Winners, Writing Contest Winners were honored.  Band and Choir performances were rehashed with amazing results from the Band and Choir students, along with students that participated in all county band and choir and Regional Band Solo and Ensemble.   Academic awards were given to 5th and 6th grade students that were invited to the 3rd Annual Academic Awards Ceremonies.  An additional award was given to the students that showed the most reading and math improvement based on iReady benchmarks.